Rep from each tadika (branches) mengangkat sumpah...

Aqid rep from his kindergarden

Q nak ambik hadiah

Nah ummi aqif dapat piala nie...

Gambar bersama-sama teman n teacher

Bersama-sama kakak

Untuk acara melarikan princess nie, aqif jadi penculik....

Overall marks, my kids kindergarden, was second place. Teacher semua hepi

Antara teacher2 yang bertungkus-lumus untuk pastikan the sports event went smoothly

Yellow team bersama parents bergambar kenangan.

Teacher Nor, very dedicated teacher, she always update me on Aqif's progress.

Theme for Sports Day is Rodeo Family...all the teachers dress-up like a koboi plak, parents plak kena pakai baju kuning to support their kids. Each branch will wear different type of colour. As i could recall there are purple, maroon, yellow, green and blue.
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